Now is the perfect time to DNA test your Chincoteague pony and take advantage of these savings on our favorite package from Etalon Equine Genetics!
From now until December 25th you can get 20% off the Pro Package + Ancestry Bundle with code HOLIDAY20 Visit to order Due to some recent events in the Chincoteague Pony community, we thought this might be a good time to explain how we evaluate and determine if a pony is an authentic Chincoteague Pony or not. This might surprise you but it isn’t unusual for a pony to pop up in an online ad with the label “Chincoteague pony” but unless the poster has the pony registered or is able to offer proof of the pony’s heritage, it’s very unlikely that the pony is as advertised. In fact, one of our most popular programs is our free “Chincoteague Pony Identification Program” and of the ID requests we have each year, less than 15% of the ponies can be verified as authentic Chincoteague Ponies. As you can imagine, there are a lot of disappointed owners but in order to protect the breed, we take great care in confirming a pony’s identity before recognizing it as a Chincoteague Pony. How does the program work and what do we look for before we accept a pony into the registry? Please read on!
Submitting an ID request is very simple, owners can either send us an email or fill out a form on our Chincoteague Pony ID page ( We always suggest the owners send us as much information about their pony as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, the pony’s: name, age, height, sex, any paperwork they have for it, the farm it came from or past owner’s name, sire or dam, and photos clearly showing the pony and any markings it might have. The more information that an owner can provide, the better the chance we might be able to ID the pony. Once we receive the pony’s information, it is reviewed by several of our staff members and we look for anything that can provide us with a lead as to who the pony is or if there is something that would indicate the pony’s heritage. Some of the questions we ask are: 1. Do they have some form of paperwork or paper trail to follow? 2. Does the pony meet the breed standards? (color, height, conformation) 3. Does it have any identifiable markings? Ponies that don’t have any markings or some form of paperwork to confirm where/who they came from typically stop here. 4. Can we match the pony to any of the foals that came from the island in or around the time frame it was said to have been born/sold? 5. Does it match any of the ponies from known breeders? 6. If it isn’t from a known breeder, can we verify its parentage? 7. Are there any reputable people in the Chincoteague pony community who are familiar with the pony and can help confirm its heritage? 8. If the owner decides to do DNA testing, do the breed composition results match the currently tested Chincoteague Ponies, is it a 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree relative of two or more of the currently DNA tested ponies in partner lab’s (Etalon Equine Genetics) database, and is it unanimously approved by ICPAR board? 9. If the owner claims the pony is a Half Chincoteague, can we confirm its sire or dam is a full Chincoteague by using the criteria in 1-8 If the pony isn’t verified, then we will not recognize it as a Chincoteague pony. Owners are always welcome to send more information on their pony for re-evaluation and we will keep their pony’s information on file in case we come across a match in the future. We hope as time goes on, that more and more ponies will be registered and there will be fewer ID requests. That being said, if you own a Chincoteague pony PLEASE make sure that you register it and if you have to sell it, make sure that its papers go with it. The Chincoteague pony is a small breed (an estimated 2,000 currently living ponies) it is very important that we preserve them and their bloodlines so everyone can continue to enjoy the breed for years to come! If you have a pony you would like us to ID, have registration questions or any information that might help us ID ponies in the future, please reach out! We are so excited to announce TWO NEW ICPAR programs!!!
1. The Commemorative Buyback Registration program (EXCLUSIVELY for buyback donors) Each individual who registers a pony will receive: - A certificate that recognizes their involvement in the donation and naming of their buyback - One 8x10 photo pedigree featuring the buyback and its recorded 1st & 2nd generation relatives - One photo display folder - The option to contribute to the buyback's page on ICPAR's website Visit our website for more information and registration requirements: 2. The Souvenir Buyback Pedigree program (open to everyone) If you don’t own a buyback but you would LOVE to have one of our pedigree photos, you can snatch get one here! Each individual that orders will receive * One 8x10 photo pedigree featuring your favorite buyback and its recorded 1st & 2nd generation relatives * One photo display folder Follow this link for more information: Meet MCC's Scottish Princess, she is one of the few perlinos in the Chincoteague pony breed. She has been tested by our partner lab Etalon Equine Genetics and is owned by Hart’s Island Pony Ranch. Here is a review from her owner on how testing with Etalon has enhanced her breeding program. "I have been using Etalon for several years now and I cannot tell you how helpful their testing has been! Before I tested my herd I was operating on a lot of unknowns, especially with the main Chincoteague pony breeding herd being feral. There was no way for me to confirm island bloodlines and only a handful of ponies over the years have had some color testing done. When I tested my herd I was amazed at the wealth of information it gave me and how it has helped me with not only my breeding program but also in the day to day management of my herd. One of my favorite features is "Find my Herd", this compares the genetic information of my pony with other ponies in Etalon's database and shows me relatives up to the 3rd generation. This has been extremely valuable to my breeding program as it has helped me create crosses that have more genetic variability which will strengthen the breed as a whole. I am so excited to see more ponies get tested and more information about the breed get discovered!
~ Rebekah (owner of Hart's Island Pony Ranch) If you would like to know your pony down to its DNA visit Etalon's website at Be sure to use the coupon code below for 10% off your order if you purchase one of the following packages - Pro Package - Pro Package + Ancestry Bundle - Registry Pro Package - Registry Pro Package + Ancestry Bundle Coupon Code: ICPAR2025 Want the most information about your pony? We recommend the Registry Pro Package + Ancestry Bundle The CVFC's Fall foal auction results
#94 Black Filly - $7,700 #95 Chestnut Pinto Filly with Blue eyes - $3,100 #96 Chestnut Pinto Filly - $3,600 #97 Bay Colt with blue eye - $7,600 Total Fall Sale: $22,000 Low: $3,100 High: $7,700 Average: $5,500 All foals are eligible for registration with us. If you won a foal and want some help with hauling, training, or boarding, we suggest you visit this page on our website for resources. There are several places who specialize in helping you give these foals a good start If you would like to connect with others in the Chincoteague pony community, please join these wonderful Facebook groups: - I Love Chincoteague Ponies! - Chincoteague Pony Class of 2024 Congratulations to all of the foal winners! The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company is currently running their Fall foal auction. These foals were born AFTER the main auction that happens during Pony Penning week in July.
There are four lovely foals available #94 Black Filly - #95 Chestnut Pinto Filly with Blue eyes - #96 Chestnut Pinto Filly - #97 Bay Colt with blue eye - All foals are eligible for registration with us. If you are bidding and want some help with hauling, training, or boarding your new foal, we suggest you visit this page on our website for resources. There are several places who specialize in helping you give these foals a good start If you would like to connect with others in the Chincoteague pony community, we suggest you join these wonderful Facebook groups: - I Love Chincoteague Ponies! - Chincoteague Pony Class of 2024 Here is the auction link: Happy Bidding! Our registration map has been updated, this year we surpassed 200 ponies registered and are headed toward 300! So far this year we have had ponies registered in 14 different states as well as Canada. We look forward to adding more to our map in the months to come, thank you all for your continued support and passion for preserving the breed!
Applications are OPEN for the annual Robert Washburn Memorial award!
Follow this link to Apply: Winners of this special award will receive a pre-paid registration for their Chincoteague pony. Applications are due October 31st, and the winner will be announced on November 6th - Robert's birthday. You can read about this award by visiting our website page: Robert Washburn Memorial Award Our partner, the Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database, is always looking for more information on the breed. Be sure to contact them if you have anything you would like to contribute!
The 2024 Pony Penning auction held on July 25 by the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company in Chincoteague, Virginia. There was in-person and simultaneous online bidding available. To watch the full auction follow this link:
The results were: Read this wonderful article by Lois Szymanski by following this link Our 2024 coloring page has been released! This year it features a lovely foal awaiting it's new owner in the pony pens at the Carnival grounds. Click the file below to download your free copy! ![]()
Every year we see several posts that say something like this "Where do I find the list of the foals born this year??" So we have pulled together some of our favorite resources to help you get the most out of this foaling season and not miss a thing!
A wonderful article by Lois Szymanski about the Chincoteague ponies and their influence in the fight against swamp cancer.
Chincoteague-Swamp-Cancer-Research-Benefits-Horses-and-Humans.php Please join us in welcoming Sarah Boudreau to the ICPAR staff!! Sarah has been a Chincoteague Pony breed lover and historian for many years! Her knowledge and expertise are well known in the Chincoteague pony community. We are so excited to have her join our team!
Be sure to check out her Chincoteague Pony History and Sarah Boudreau Equestrian Art pages to get to know her better! |
Welcome!The ICPAR blog is designed to help Chincoteague Pony enthusiasts revisit past articles, registry highlights and other pertinent information without having to look through endless amounts of old social media posts & shares. Categories
December 2024
International Chincoteague Pony
Association & Registry 10723 County Road 11 NE Elgin, MN 55932 (507) 923-8933 [email protected] Office Hours Monday to Friday 11 am to 4:00 pm CT |
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