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Registration Application: Application for registration is to be submitted to the registrar on the official registration application forms provided. Along with fees and other requirements of registration as stated on the application for registration form. Please complete the registration application with as much information as you have available. If additional information is needed for registration the registrar will contact you.
Registration Photos: Please provide clear photos of the pony standing square for Full and Half Chincoteague pony registration. Photos of the following views of the pony are required: right side, left side, front, back, and full face. All identifiable markings should be visible. For Buybacks registration you must submit at least one of the following with the registration form: A photo of the pony, the names of the sire and dam, a link to the pony's Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database page.
Registration Sections: There are four sections to the registry; Full-Blooded Chincoteague, Half Chincoteague, Buyback registration and Prefix registration.
Registration Numbers: ICPAR will issue registration numbers based on the order in which registration applications are processed.
Full Chincoteague registration numbers will have a six digit number starting at #00001
Half Chincoteague registration numbers begin with HC and start with #HC_001
Buyback registration numbers will start begin with BB and start with #BB00001
Prefix registration numbers will begin with PF and start with #PF-1
Pony Names: No pony will be registered by a name that has exactly the same spelling as a pony already registered. The registrar reserves the right to refuse a name that may be deemed to be confusing or unsuitable.
Replacement Registration Certificate: To obtain a replacement registration certificate which has been damaged but still identifiable, the owner of the pony must send the original registration certificate for identification and pay the replacement fee. Upon approval the ICPAR will issue a new registration certificate to the owner.
Owner Name Change: If an owner changes their name it is not necessary for the Registration Certificate to show the change. Notify the ICPAR of the name change. If the owner desires a corrected Registration Certificate, mail the original Certificate with notification of the name change and appropriate fee to the ICPAR.
Ownership Transfer: To transfer the recorded ownership of a Full or Half registered pony the recorded owner must complete and sign the transfer of ownership form and send the form, the original certificate and the transfer fee to ICPAR for recording and notation on the certificate. Owners are not allowed to write on their registration certificates, only ICPAR staff may preform the transfer of ownership and document it on a certificate. Buyback certificates are not eligible for transfer of ownerships.
Gelding/Spaying: After a stallion/colt is castrated or a mare/filly is spayed the owner must fill out the "Gelding/Spay Report." This report with the original certificate of registration and appropriate fee must be mailed to ICPAR for recording and to update the certificate. An amended registration certificate showing the pony as a gelding/spayed mare will be issued to the recorded owner.
Updated Registration Certificates: Due to the main breeding herd being feral, lineage may need to be updated and/or changed with new research and DNA testing. If owners would like their ponies registration papers to reflect these changes, they must fill out a "Corrected Certificate Form". This form, the original certificate and the appropriate fee must be mailed to ICPAR for recording and to update the certificate. A new registration certificate will be issued to the recorded owner reflecting the changes. All changes must be approved by ICPAR, if you are unsure as to whether the change you want to request will be approved, please contact the registry before sending paperwork in.
Pricing for registration and other services related to registration:
New Registration: $50 (If you have 5+ ponies to register under the same current ownership, please contact usfor discount pricing)
Corrected Certificate: $15
Transfer of Ownership: $15
Gelding or Spaying update: $10
Duplicate Registration Certificate: $35
Registration eligibility
Eligibility Guidelines: ICPAR will only register ponies that are eligible. ICPAR may deny registration/certification or cancel registration/certification if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the pony does not meet the standards or requirements for registration, or that any information on the registration form is false or incorrect. If a pony's registration is canceled, the owner of the pony must return the certificate to ICPAR.
Island Bred Ponies: All Chincoteague Ponies purchased directly from the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company (CVFC) are considered "Island Bred" and are eligible for registration. There are ponies from the CVFC that are known to be half or part other breeds that were introduced to the CVFC’s herd. These ponies are eligible for full Chincoteague Pony registration. Half or part Chincoteagues from other breeders are only eligible for Half Chincoteague Pony registration.
Land Bred (Non-Island Bred) Ponies: Ponies from other breeders are eligible for registration with documentation. Parents of the pony must be documented Chincoteague Ponies by one or more of the following ways:
Identified as having been bred by the CVFC
ICPAR Registered
Registered with the Chincoteague Pony Association, Chincoteague Pony Registry, or National Chincoteague Pony Association
Identified as Chincoteague Ponies through the ICPAR’s Chincoteague Pony Identification program
Chincoteague Pony Identification: If the parentage of a pony is unknown or if it is unknown if a pony is a Chincoteague Pony please contact the registrar prior to submitting a registration form and send photos with any identifying markings on the pony and any other documentation or information that could help with identification. DNA testing is also available through Etalon Equine Genetics, please refer to the DNA & Color Testing page for more information. Documentation examples:
Photos of the pony on Assateague or with the feral herd.
Photos of the pony alongside a known Chincoteague dam.
Pony Penning auction receipt.
Pony Penning auction number.
Documentation that the pony was purchased from a known breeder.
DNA tested with Ancestry and "Find My herd" through Etalon Equine Genetics. Pony must have a known Chincoteague pony be either a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation relative or have a known Chincoteague pony show up positive on a parentage test. All ponies must have ICPAR board approval before being registered.
Ponies with Unknown Parents: Ponies with one or both parents that are unable to be determined are eligible for registration. The pony must be proven to be a Chincoteague Pony through documentation such as:
Photos of the pony on Assateague or with the feral herd
Registered with the Chincoteague Pony Association, Chincoteague Pony Registry, or National Chincoteague Pony Association
Documentation that the pony was purchased bred by or purchased from a breeder
Identified as a Chincoteague Pony through the ICPAR’s Identification Program
DNA tested with Ancestry and "Find My herd" through Etalon Equine Genetics. Pony must have a known Chincoteague pony be either a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation relative or have a known Chincoteague pony show up positive on a parentage test. All ponies must have ICPAR board approval before being registered.
MAryland assateague horses
Maryland Assateague Horses: The feral Assateague herd in Maryland is owned and managed by the National Park Service. The removal from Assateague and private ownership of these horse is extremely rare. The ICPAR will register privately owned Assateague Horses that are no longer part of the National Park Service herd. Documentation that the pony is an Assateague Horse and is now privately owned living off of Assateague is required. Feral Maryland Assateague Horses are included in the pedigree database as many Chincoteague Ponies have Maryland Horses in their ancestry.
The non-profit Assateague Island Alliance (AIA) runs a foster horse program and auctions/raffles the rights to name feral Assateague Horses. Participation in these programs does not constitute ownership of the horses and feral Assateague Horses are not eligible for Buyback registration with ICPAR.
posthumous registration
Posthumous Registration: ICPAR will accept registration and ownership transfers of ponies that are deceased. Owners must prove that they owned the pony at the time of death. The death date of the pony will be listed on the registration certificate.
death of a pony
Death of the Pony: Upon the death of a pony the owner should send a notice to the ICPAR with the death date. At the request of the owner the ICPAR will replace the registration certificate with a new one that lists the death date of the pony. The owner should send the original registration certificate along with the “Correct Certificate” fee.
change in color or markings
Change in Color or Markings: The recorded owner may request changes in the coat color or true white markings. The original Registration Certification and along with a “Correct Certificate” form must be submitted to the ICPAR along with the appropriate fee. Clear and discernable color photographs of the pony showing full views of the left, right, front, full face, and rear of the pony must be included. All markings must be visible. Additional information such as DNA color testing may be requested at the owner's expense. Upon approval, an updated Registration Certificate will be issued to the owner.
half chincoteague pony
Half Chincoteague Registration: Ponies with one Chincoteague Pony parent are eligible for Half Chincoteague Pony registration. One parent must be a full Chincoteague Pony under ICPAR eligibility parameters. Half Chincoteague ICPAR registration numbers are prefixed with HC.
Non-Chincoteague Parent: The other breed parent does not have to be registered with a registry. If the parent is registered, please provide the registry name and a copy of their registration papers. Please specify the breed of the non-Chincoteague parent or describe as Grade if unknown.
Buyback Guidelines: Buybacks are ponies sold at the Pony Penning auction for the purpose of being returned to the feral herd on Assateague. The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company (CVFC) retains ownership of the pony, the purchase price is a donation to the CVFC, and the purchaser is allowed to name the pony.
Buyback Certificates: Buyback owners may register their ponies through ICPAR's Buyback Registration program. The certificate issued to buyback donors does not constituent ownership of their buyback, but it is a recognition of the name they have chosen for the pony, gives owners a chance to share their Buyback's story and publicly recognizes their donation to the CVFC. The buyback registration certificate designates the pony as a buyback, shows the selected name, includes the ponies details and lineage, lists the CVFC as the owner, and the donor name(s) listed as the buyback donor. Buyback ICPAR numbers are prefixed with BB.
Breeder guidelines
Stallion Owner Responsibilities: After breeding a mare, the stallion owner will complete, sign and date a Breeding Certificate. If the mare is re-serviced during a subsequent cycle, the stallion owner notes the date of re-service on the Breeding Certificate. If the mare is pasture bred, use the starting and ending dates the mare was exposed to the stallion. Stallion owners will also provide Breeding Certificates for semen used in artificial insemination and in embryo transfer.
The stallion owner will provide a copy of the Breeding Certificate to the mare owner and retain a copy for their records. The mare owner will send a copy of the Breeding Certificate to the ICPAR with the Application of Registration.
Mare Owner Responsibilities: Ensure the stallion owner provides a copy of the Breeding Certificate. A copy of the Breeding Certificate must be sent to the ICPAR with the Application of Registration. If the mare is sold prior to the birth of the foal, ensure a copy of the Breeding Certificate goes to the new owner.
Frozen Semen: Frozen semen can be used while the stallion is alive and for an unlimited time after a stallion’s death or castration.
prefix registration
Prefix Guidelines: The ICPAR offers prefix registration for owners. A registered prefix is a combination of letters, words, or names proceeding or following a registered name and is used exclusively by the owner of the prefix. It is not required for prefixes to be registered but registered prefixes are exclusive to the owner and may not be used by others. If a prefix is notregistered it may be used by others without limitation. Owners with registered prefixes are not required to register all of their foals with their prefix and can grant others use of their prefix as long as it is in writing on file with ICPAR.
Prefixes must meet the following criteria:
The word is not the complete name of a Chincoteague pony that has lived in the past one hundred years.
The word cannot be the complete name of a Chincoteague pony that has registered offspring.
The prefix applicant shall not have another registered prefix on record with the Registry.
The prefix application has been correctly completed and submitted with the appropriate fee.
The Register does not deem the prefix to be confusingly similar to a name or prefix previously recorded or otherwise unsuitable.
DNA Testing: ICPAR highly encourages parent DNA verification, but it is not required at this time. If your Chincoteague Pony has been parent verified, please enclose a copy of the testing report with the registration application.
Color Testing: ICPAR does not require but encourages pony owners to color test their ponies. Color testing contributes to breed documentation and knowledge. If you have color tested your pony please enclose a copy of the testing report along with the registration application.
Etalon Equine Genetics: ICPAR partners with Etalon Equine Genetics. All ancestry testing must be done at Etalon for it to be recognized by ICPAR. For more information about this partnership visit our "DNA & Color Testing" page.
Pedigree database
Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database (CPPD): ICPAR partners with the Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database for the official recording of Chincoteague pony bloodlines. ICPAR registered ponies have the ICPAR logo on their database record. Other registries are listed by name on the record. Ponies do not have to be registered with the ICPAR or any registry to be submitted to the database. Access to the database is open and free. For additions or corrections to the database please contact the registrar. Submissions to the database will be vetted by the Chincoteague Pony Identification team. The ICPAR reserves the right to change submissions to the database if there is sufficient evidence to do so.
Recording of Pony Owners: Chincoteague pony owners are given the option for their name and farm name to be recorded on the Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database (CPPD) when registering. Owner's registering ponies may opt out of having their names publicly listed. Please note that because the CPPD is a separate entity from ICPAR owners names may be publicly recorded, without their consent, if the pony is not registered with ICPAR. If this is the case owners must contact the CPPD to request that their name be added or removed from the public record. If the pony is registered with ICPAR they may contact ICPAR in writing to make the change. Because the CPPD is independently owned and operated, pony records may change based on new information they receive, ICPAR is not responsible for any changes to a pony's database record that may be done by the admin of the CPPD.
In the database buyback ponies are donated with a “B” superscript by their name, nonbuyback feral ponies with a “F” superscript, and Misty descendants with a “M” superscript.
denial of registration
An application for registration or transfer may be denied if all requirements are not met relating to a registration or transfer or is deemed unsatisfactory to the Registrar. If it appears that irregularities or false information is provided on any application for registration or transfer for any pony the Registrar may require the applicant(s), owner(s), or Lessee(s) to furnish other information. The burden of proof is the responsibility of the applicant. The Registrar reserves the right to deny any application and to remove any pony that does not meet the ICPAR registration requirements and rules.
Cancellation of registration
The ICPAR reserves the right to cancel the registration of a pony if it finds that the pony does not meet the requirements for registration or that a pony identified as the subject of a registration certificate is not the subject of that certificate. Procedure will depend on the circumstances of each incident and may result in cancellation of entries made with respect to the descendants of that pony as well. The owner will be responsible to provide necessary documentation of proof as required by the Registrar.
*Registry Rules & Regulations last updated 7-1-2024