Don’t know the parentage of your Chincoteague Pony? Not sure if your pony is a Chincoteague Pony? The Chincoteague Pony Identification program can help!
It’s a common issue and the Chincoteague Pony community has a long history of helping pony owners with identification. Take a look at the Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database, to see if your pony is already listed. If it does not show up in the search results, then contact us below. We would be happy to help you ID your pony whether you are interested in registering your pony or not. You can also post to the group "Chincoteague Pony Identification" or email the registrar in the form below.
Information that could help us with identification:
Approximate birth year
Photos of the pony showing any identifying markings
Auction number (found on receipt or sticker/tag on the foal)
Photos of the pony on Assateague or at Pony Penning
Documentation that the pony was purchased from a breeder
If a pony was purchased from the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company the auction number can provide a lot of information. Foals purchased at the auction from 1994-2008 were sold using their dam's number as the auction number.
Identification is not guaranteed, if we can’t identify your pony at this time we will keep the submitted information on file for future reference.